Our propane heat resources are designed to help you stay informed about your home propane system. Becoming knowledgeable about your own home maintenance can help you to identify problems and even repair minor issues without having the hire a professional. This knowledge can save you a significant amount of money, and the time it takes the book and appointment and wait for service to be complete. These guides and articles cover everything from basic maintenance and repairs, to much more detailed descriptions and analysis that may help you to identify and diagnose much more severe issues.
Did you know that half of home heating fires are reported during the months of December, January, and February? It makes sense as everyone is at home, trying to stay warm and comfortable when winter is at its worst. Make sure to follow these heating
systems, fire, and carbon monoxide safety tips to keep your family and home safe:*
Using these tips will help you avoid the risk of fire. And, remember, even through the worst winter weather, trust us to be there to help with any of your home service needs, anytime - 24/7!
*Source: nfpa.org